Backgammon Strategies You can Keep

Backgammon is a game of skill and chance played by two players, on a board consisting of four quadrants or boards, two inner and two outer. Each of the board consists of six alternating black and white “pips”.

Does Backgammon, a game which delighted millions of enthusiasts, depend on chance alone? Hardly..

How to Win in Backgammon

Although chance obviously plays an essential role, backgammon players have a range of maneuvering options for blocking the opponent in several situations. Winning at backgammon requires sufficient planning, as well as luck.

Below is a list that describes various winning strategies:

Building your Board

This type of strategy focuses on making more points on your home board, and it has two advantages: by building many points to your home board, you perplex the opponent’s escape. The second advantage is, if and when you hit your opponent’s blots, your opponent will have a difficulty reentering them, and preventing him to continue in the game and giving you complete control over the board.

Escape Strategy

This type of strategy focuses on escaping your checkers from the opponent’s home board. Two of your checkers are positioned in the your opponent’s home board and it is in your interest to escape them as soon as possible, especially if your opponent is building his board. The twp rolls which enable you to do this are 6-5 and 6-6. The other remaining combinations leave you with blots on the board.

Combination Strategy

This is the type of strategy where you combine the building and escaping strategies. In other words, building your board, while keeping in mind the two runners on the opponent’s home board.

Safe Play Strategy

This type of strategy focuses on leaving a few blots as possible, making as many points as possible at the same time preventing your opponent from hitting your checkers. It is not always advantageous, since it doesn’t create opportunities for winning the game, at times when your opponent takes advantage of such opportunities. Always keep in mind that a long, tiring backgammon games carries its risks, and as the chance plays an important role, a high double roll might let the opponent to slip away from us.

Bold Play

Exposing blots is taking risk, to create advantageous positions or to entice your opponent into hitting. As opposed to safe play, taking such risk is a backgammon strategy that lead to victory, but could also lead you to lose the game. Secure bold – protecting blots by exposing other blots to entice your opponent.

Back Game Strategy

The back game strategy is based on creating various anchors in your opponent’s home board, thus preventing him from bearing his checkers and forcing him to expose his checkers to hits.

In conclusion, to choose the best strategy in backgammon, you should carefully study and analyze your opponent’s moves in able for you to identify his strategy, and once you know it you should employ the opposite strategy.

And lastly, don’t forget the dice! Hopefully, they will cooperate in your victory!
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